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Monday, April 18, 2011

How revolution is possible.


If you care for morrow the following days which every one is nodded, but the question rises and pinches the twenty corer people of Pakistan including me. The term silence in the heads of individual who are looking for the revolution but due to the lack of reprieve and lack of awareness cause to be quite in homes and do not bother to go ahead to compete the fake politicians, it is very astound if we think that we are almost all are the youth but still waiting for revolution. And many of us don’t know when and how it will come. After any corrupted region the only revolution occurs is the religious take the example of Iranian revolution, so that time we should wait and go a head for Islamic revolution. If merely says that the whole system is courier in the name of democracy. Is it a democracy where wife doesn't know to whom her husband supported or if there any mutual cop ration. Revolution is only possible when we the youth and other following us went for a very long march with the strong hold of more than three core teem, and should not return back to home till the whole system should be destroyed. All we need to spread message that we should keep hand together and work with each other and give a message of awareness then none of the leader is going to work for Pakistan they are all here to fill their bags with money and property for saving their sons as they are the true hypocrites so beware with this video must watch for saving your self.
Click on the video text given below.

Posted By Usman Ahmad


  1. I live in Norway, and have never felt the urge to revolt against anything, but still this text was very appealing for me. Well written text.

  2. Thanx...!!
    applogy fo such a long late reply, has having a tough time..!!
    All the time apealed to people..!!
    i like it..!
    thanx fo appreciation..!!
