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Monday, April 4, 2011

The Media Approaches

The media there are two different approaches including Dominant approach and Pluralistic Approach. First one tells us that Media is dominated by the elite class of the society and only the important personalities of the society are seen on media. They have a control on it. While the second one Pluralistic approach refers to a thought who say that media tries to cover all the classes of a society and give coverage to everybody. No one is superior in this approach. 
Then it includes a comparative difference table which shows that there are always different approaches to understand reality. It has the one column of “for” and the other one was of “against”. In which he briefly explain with some comprehensive examples of two different thoughts regarding one particular issue. One column goes in favor of that point and the other criticizes it and goes against it. Both columns contradict with one another along with some strong logics and reasons so that if a neutral person observes them, he will agree to both of them.
Then after a brief history of media the writer tells us the fears of political use of media, media influence on morals and political economy of media culture. In which he tells us that what would happen if media goes under the control of politics, how media affects our morality and the relation of political economy of media and culture (in this point he tells us the continuous process starts by the industrialists, which reaches to a factory worker and then process keep on going). The projection of above mentioned points was in a quiet simple way so that even a Leigh man can easily understand it.
Then the Frankfurt school of thought comes in the approaches that this school of thought says media plays a very much important role of critics and sometimes it only focuses on one job i.e., to criticize each event, issue, problem etc.

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