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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Your Preception Is False.

A thought hound me in last days, that why do people precieve falsely? Why are we short minded, why we think in a congested view? lets talk about our daily life experiences, even though if you are studying in an co-education school system, co-college, or in University, we people just make wrong assumptions about others, just like that, we have no knowledge about people walking infront of us, or who is just sitting next beside to us in an resturant, we just make claims on the basis of peoples dressing, ways of talking, way of walking, we even you use slang and abusive language.

But thats not your game to play, thats whats patent or logical. Because if putting our wordings in religious context, we have no right to dictate, or give false assumptions or just label a person with different words.
Labeling can be so bad for others, i want to let people change their preception a littel on usual matters, because the lost next person is having or will have makes it a worst memory of his/her life.
E.g if we take a routine example, people lable females and males with wrong words, beacuse some times it do happens that we dont know the next person and just claim it to be the we want it. in future when he/she is about to get marry, people do inquire about their character, they gonna ask people about it some times freinds and aquaitences and neighbours, they will just qoute it as they have heard about the particular person. so in game of wrong perception we let others loose their character in a false assumption.

Adlib Say: Do not kill others, be nice of just leave, do not hurt.


  1. @anonymous..!!

    Thanks alot...!!
    because its getting worst day by day...!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Deep...! I'm having a thought that our perception can plant an idea in someone's mind at anytime. And at some point in his life, that idea may be the only thing that could define his whole life... You're right, perception matters...

  4. @talal....!!
    As i said it do matters and it must bother every one to spit out some good words for others, so that we may plant a lily, tulip or jasmine instead of cactus...!!
