Regarding the trees you guys might have heard a lot, and maybe you have a good hold on such things more than me, but I have something new for you guys to know, I hope you guys haven’t heard, or thought about such a phrase, what I am telling you.
Trees are counted to be a blessing, as they are playing a major part in the survival of human kind and other species, oxygen is an essential element to be alive, and trees reduces the carbon-dioxide in the air, and help keeping us safe from the different kind of diseases and so many other unpleasant things, it provides a fresh and caring environment to the living beings and other species in the world. Plants are sometimes grown up under water, in the sea, on the mountains, in the desert, in the fields, in the meadows and almost everywhere, different in types but yet doing the same job, and the job is to protect us, to give us fresh air, to reduce the harming element in air, to create a friendly environment. All in all trees are helping us.
The main theme that I am going to cover today is a quotation given by “Ataul Haq, Directorate of Information. NWFP" that, "A big size tree can provides oxygen sufficient for 36 infants." I hope that you guys will be amazed to know this unusual phrase.While 10 big size trees produce cooling equal to the cooling generated by a one ton Air Conditioner. So I guess if we are having 10 big trees so we won’t be using Air Conditioners, as you guys may have had the experience, I do have such experience, that in the summer, peak of hotness, when we sit under a big tree we really do not need an Air conditioner, because the cooling and the cool breeze that tree is producing in enough.
Trees also minimize air pollution, reduce noise and decrease the unpleasant smell by absorbing rotten substances from the drains.
So Adlib says, "Plant a tree in your whole life, even a single one, but do plant it, it will be good for you and for humanity"