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Monday, March 7, 2011

Women Part (iv)

Adlib is building a series of the former posts to put some writings interrelated and admirable, as I had wrote on women two times before than today, in "Women Part (I)" and "Women Part (II) and women part (III)".
And today I am going to talk more about women, and going to give a exceptional break, concession and pleasure to women. As in the today’s world we see so many females is environs, everywhere we run our eyes, we see women. And yes it is good for us and for them. To females, this epoch is going to be the most charming era ever they had. Women are enjoying full authorization, bliss and autonomy of privileges. Some of you may oppose, on this, statement, but talking generally yes it is precise.
Women are on TV screens, as anchor person, as VJ`s, as DJ`s, as newscaster, as a chef, as a singer, as a dancer, as a artist, so many professions are available now, women are applying and getting seats in almost every dept. Today’s women is educated, if not educated, yet she is literate, knows what is wrong and what is bad, know what’s in her advantage and what is not benefiting. As switching Boy-Friends also. In the university, we see so many females, acquiring education, and becoming a good source of knowledge as a lecturer, as a teacher, as a management officer ETC.

Last day I was watching a morning show, and saw a woman Jail Supridendent, and she was like a model, wearing very nice designers’ costume, and had done masters in social sciences, sophisticated and much polite.
Women are placing themselves in the step of this world; they are making their mark in the history of world. As our Pakistani females team, won the female world cup in last year. So many other examples in which women are making their name.

Never under-estimate a women, as she is as cleverer as a male, and as much as dangerous, a little more than males, actually. Enjoy the liberty females. Today I praised you all, so do praise males, when you feel like.

Posted By: Qasim Sahi.